Do you have pictures?? Please Share Them!
Please email any photos you took at the Homecoming party to the club email for the Make sure subject line says "Homecoming Party"Thank you!
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Yearbook Fall Apart??
As a reminder, anybody who is still waiting for a new yearbook should contact Traci Newton to have theirs replaced. She has copies to replace them! NWSC members (tue 1/23/24) we need your help. If you know anyone who's yearbook fell apart, please have them send in a couple pictures ( book cover, ...
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Celebration of life
Club member, Keith Ellefson, Funtastic Rides Co. passed away on Saturday May 25th 2024.
There will be a Celebration of Life at Oaks Park main Pavillion Building Thursday June 6th 2024 from 1pm to 3pm.
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New 3rd Incoming Vice President
CONGRATULATIONS to Dwight Haworth, who has been nominated as the new 3rd incoming vice president. 🙌🙌A vote to accept Dwight as the new incoming vice president will be held at our next meeting on November 13, 2023
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Presidents Message - Boyd Newton
Hello fellow ...
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Presidents Message - Juanita Meeker
Well, the season is at an end for most of us. Now it is time to party.I had the biggest surprise in Yakima, my brother Kevin came all the way from Utah to work fair with us.If that wasn’t enough Johnny flew in on the last weekend. What a Crew! Thank you, guys, so much.Hope ya all had a great ...
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A word from our President Rick Spromberg
WOW, what a great installation Event we had at the Iiani Casino. It was so nice to see everyone in person even with social distancing. The casino was a great choice. We should look at doing another event with them. Hopefully we all get the summer we have been waiting ...
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November 23rd 2020 Presidents Message
Hello Club MembersI want to thank everyone who was able to make it to our first Zoom meeting on Monday the 19th. It was great to be able to see and talk to everyone. Hopefully we will have more people hooked up for the Nov.2 meeting. Tracy Mundoz did a great ...
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